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Stunts in Questies are streamlined from Fate Accelerated to keep gameplay quick and easy while still adding exciting ways to customize characters. They represent special abilities, talents, or traits that give characters an edge in specific situations. A stunt provides either a bonus to a roll or a best of two rolls option when the action meets its activation requirement, making it both flexible and impactful without overwhelming the system.

Both Players and NPCs can have stunts, giving them unique ways to shine in the story. Players and NPCs generally have three stunts to represent their unique talents and abilities. However, Mooks do not have stunts, keeping them simple and focused on their role as fast-paced challenges.

Here’s an example of a stunt:

Trustworthy Ally: When you help a friend in need, you may roll twice and take the better result.

This approach ensures that stunts remain meaningful and situational, adding depth to characters without unnecessary complexity. They’re easy to create, use, and understand, making them an essential tool for personalizing characters and keeping the focus on the story.

stunts.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:40 by admin

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