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Save & Load Mechanics
In Questies, the Save & Load system provides Players with the ability to create manual checkpoints, allowing them to revisit earlier points in their Story.
Key Features of Save & Load
- Manual Save Slots: Players can manually save their progress in up to three save slots per World. These slots act as checkpoints that can be returned to at any time.
- Automatic Save: The main save is automatic and tracks the most recent progress in the World. Manual saves do not overwrite or interact with the automatic save.
- Restore Story Progression: Loading from a save slot restores the World and Story exactly as it was at the time of the save.
How Save & Load Works
1. Accessing Save/Load:
- The Save and Load buttons are located in the Story Settings accordion at the top-right of the page.
- Players can open this menu at any time to save or load their progress.
2. Saving Progress:
- Players can choose one of the three available save slots to store their progress.
- The save captures the current state of the Story, including character positions, World changes, and inventory states.
3. Loading a Save:
- Players can select a save slot to load, restoring the World to the state captured in that save.
- Any changes made after the save (e.g., items used, areas explored, or decisions made) are completely reverted, ensuring a clean reset to the saved moment.
saveload.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:26 by admin