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In Questies, rests are a simple way to recover and keep the story moving. There are two types of rests: short rests and long rests, each with its own purpose and benefits.

Short Rests

A short rest is a quick break, like meditating, napping, or relaxing for an hour or two. They work like a scene change in Fate Accelerated and provide the following benefits:

  • Clear all stress boxes: Characters bounce back from immediate challenges, ready for the next scene.
  • No effect on consequences: Short rests don’t heal consequences, making them better for light recovery during an ongoing adventure.
  • No Fate Point refresh: Fate Points are not restored during a short rest.

Long Rests

A long rest is a full night’s sleep, at least 8 hours, and serves as a more complete recovery period. They provide:

  • Clear all stress boxes: Just like short rests, long rests remove all stress.
  • Heal mild consequences: Long rests help characters recover from minor setbacks, such as bruises or minor emotional strain.
  • Refresh Fate Points: Long rests replenish Fate Points up to the character’s Refresh level, ensuring they have the narrative resources to take on new challenges.

Rest Tracking

Rests are tracked automatically as the story progresses. If adjustments are needed, Players can make changes using the Undo button next to the rest event. This system ensures that recovery feels natural and fits seamlessly into the narrative, keeping gameplay smooth and engaging.

rests.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:43 by admin

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