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Commands in Questies allow Players to interact with the game world and the Game Master (GM) directly through the chat interface.

Available Commands

  • /ooc: Sends an out-of-character (OOC) message to the Game Master. Use this to clarify rules, ask questions, or make comments without affecting the in-game narrative.
    • Example: `/ooc How many goblins are in the room?`
  • /help: Sends a help request to the Game Master. Use this for immediate support or to ask for guidance.
    • Example:: `/help Can I use my sword to block the fire spell?`
  • /travel [destination or NPC name]: Activates Fast Travel if it is enabled in the world settings.
    • Use `@` for auto-complete suggestions to find characters, locations, or NPCs.
    • Example:: `/travel Havenwood`
    • Example with auto-complete: `/travel @` (brings up a list of destinations or NPCs).
  • @ Auto-Complete:
    • Typing `@` enables auto-complete for finding characters, Areas, or Points.
    • Typing `$` enables finding Items in character inventories.
    • This feature simplifies navigation and ensures quick access to in-game references while reliably adding context for the Game Master.
    • Example: Typing `@Blacksmith` narrows the search to entries starting with “Blacksmith.”


Hotkeys provide quick access to in-game features and help streamline interactions.

  • ALT (Hold): Highlights all clickable items, locations, and characters in the chat window. This feature is similar to highlighting interactable objects in RPGs, allowing Players to quickly identify points of interest.
  • CTRL (Hold): Allows moving objects on the minimap without snapping to grid.
commands.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:27 by admin

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