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The Workshop allows users to upload and share their own Worlds, enabling others to play custom adventures created by the community.

Key Features of the Workshop

  • User-Created Worlds: Players can explore Worlds designed by others, each containing Characters, Locations (Areas and Points), Items, Enemies (Mooks), and more.
  • Worlds as Dynamic Starting Points: Worlds serve as the foundation for adventures, where the AI can dynamically generate new characters, mooks, and other elements on the fly.
  • Easy Access: Simply tap a Workshop item and select Start Story to begin playing.
  • Publishing Access: Currently, all users can publish Worlds, but in the future, publishing will be limited to Plus plan members. Free-tier players will still be able to play Workshop Worlds.

The Workshop expands the game's possibilities, offering limitless adventures crafted by the community.

create/workshop.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:25 by admin

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