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In Questies, an Area is a larger location within the game World that can encompass other locations, including Points and smaller nested Areas. Areas represent broad spaces like cities, forests, or regions and often have less defined boundaries than Points.

Key Features of Areas

  • Larger Spaces: Areas are broader regions, such as cities, forests, or kingdoms.
  • Boundaries: Defined by coordinates: x1, x2, y1, y2, along with a Z-Level to represent their height or depth. Characters are considered to be within an Area if their coordinates fall within its boundaries.
  • Contain Nested Locations: Areas can hold multiple Points or even smaller nested Areas, creating a layered World structure. For example, a city Area might contain districts as nested Areas and individual Points like taverns or shops.
  • Examples: Planets, cities, villages, forests, districts, clearings, regions, and kingdoms.

Additional Features

  • Map Image Overlay: Areas can have a Map Image set, which adds an overlay to the minimap, showing where the Area is located. This visual aid enhances navigation and helps Players understand the layout of the World.
    • Map Image Coordinates: Separate from the Area's boundaries, these coordinates (x1, x2, y1, y2) define the size and placement of the Map Image on the minimap. This allows the Map Image to include additional details, like city outskirts, while the Area’s actual boundaries can represent specific regions, such as city walls.
  • Walled Toggle: When Walled is enabled, the Area is treated as having solid boundaries that can only be entered or exited through specific Points designated as Gateways. These Points serve as doorways or gateways and must be placed along the Area’s border.
    • Gateway Pathing: If an Area is walled, pathfinding will automatically use Gateways to navigate in and out of the Area when traveling to destinations. This ensures logical movement between areas and enhances immersion.

Nested Areas

Areas can contain other Areas, creating hierarchical structures. For example:

  • A Kingdom Area may contain City Areas.
  • A City Area may contain District Areas, which in turn might contain Points like individual buildings or landmarks.
create/areas.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 12:30 by admin

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