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In Questies, a Point is a specific, individual location within the World. Points represent defined spaces, such as buildings, landmarks, or other notable locations, rather than individual items or objects. Unlike larger Areas, Points have clear boundaries and do not contain subdivisions.

Key Features of Points

Configuration of Points

When creating a Point, you configure its coordinates:

Special Configuration: Transition Points

Points can also serve as transitions between different Z-Levels, such as a stairwell, cave entrance, or ladder. This allows movement between layers of the World.

To configure a transition Point:

  1. Set the Connects To field to the Z-Level the transition leads to.

For example:

Once configured, these Points allow movement between Z-Levels bi-directionally, either up or down.

Special Configuration: Gateway Points

Points can also serve as Gateways between Areas. When Gateway is toggled on, the Point automatically detects the Areas it connects to, provided it is placed exactly on the boundary between one or two Areas.