Commands in Questies allow Players to interact with the game world and the Game Master (GM) directly through the chat interface.
Available Commands
/ooc: Sends an out-of-character (OOC) message to the Game Master. Use this to clarify rules, ask questions, or make comments without affecting the in-game narrative.
Example: `/ooc How many goblins are in the room?`
/help: Sends a help request to the Game Master. Use this for immediate support or to ask for guidance.
Example:: `/help Can I use my sword to block the fire spell?`
/travel [destination or NPC name]: Activates Fast Travel if it is enabled in the world settings.
Use `@` for auto-complete suggestions to find characters, locations, or NPCs.
Example:: `/travel Havenwood`
Example with auto-complete: `/travel @` (brings up a list of destinations or NPCs).
@ Auto-Complete:
Typing `@` enables auto-complete for finding characters, Areas, or Points.
Typing `$` enables finding Items in character inventories.
This feature simplifies navigation and ensures quick access to in-game references while reliably adding context for the Game Master.
Example: Typing `@Blacksmith` narrows the search to entries starting with “Blacksmith.”
Hotkeys provide quick access to in-game features and help streamline interactions.
ALT (Hold): Highlights all clickable items, locations, and characters in the chat window. This feature is similar to highlighting interactable objects in RPGs, allowing Players to quickly identify points of interest.
CTRL (Hold): Allows moving objects on the minimap without snapping to grid.