In Fate Accelerated, approaches define how a character does something, rather than what they do. They reflect the character’s style, mindset, or method when tackling challenges, rather than specific skills or abilities. This keeps the system flexible and narrative-focused, allowing Players to describe actions in creative and story-driven ways.
There are six approaches, each representing a different way of solving problems or taking action:
Careful: Acting with precision and deliberation, taking your time to do things right.
Clever: Using intelligence, creativity, and quick thinking to find solutions.
Flashy: Doing things in a dramatic, attention-grabbing way, often seeking to impress.
Forceful: Relying on strength, power, and determination to achieve your goal.
Quick: Moving swiftly and acting fast, both mentally and physically.
Sneaky: Being subtle, deceptive, or discreet to accomplish your objectives.
Assigning Approach Ratings
Characters in Fate Accelerated, whether Players or NPCs, are typically statted with the following distribution:
Good (+3): Choose one approach where the character excels.
Fair (+2): Choose two approaches where the character is strong.
Average (+1): Choose two approaches where the character is capable.
Mediocre (+0): The remaining approach, where the character struggles.
This distribution provides balance while emphasizing a character’s strengths and weaknesses, making them distinct and memorable.
How Approaches Work
When a character takes an action, the Player or NPC describes what they’re doing and selects the approach that best fits the description.
For example:
Breaking into a castle:
Careful: Studying guard patterns and sneaking in at the perfect moment.
Clever: Forging a fake invitation to a royal ball.
Flashy: Disguising yourself as a famous performer to walk through the gates.
Forceful: Breaking down the castle door with sheer strength.
Quick: Dashing past guards during a shift change.
Sneaky: Bribing a servant to smuggle you in through a side entrance.
Why Approaches Matter
Approaches make Fate Accelerated highly flexible and accessible. Instead of limiting characters to a predefined list of skills, approaches let Players express their creativity and focus on storytelling. They also encourage diversity in how challenges are solved, as different approaches can be applied to the same problem in unique ways.
Using Approaches in Gameplay
The beauty of approaches lies in their adaptability:
Player Creativity: Players describe actions based on their character’s personality and strengths, not rigid mechanics.
Dynamic Challenges: GMs can design scenarios that encourage different approaches, making every situation feel fresh and engaging.
Narrative Depth: Approaches highlight a character’s style and personality, making them more vivid and memorable in the story.
Approaches in Fate Accelerated keep the focus on the narrative, allowing characters to shine in ways that fit their unique style while keeping the game fast-paced and intuitive.