====== Party ====== A party in **Questies** functions similarly to traditional tabletop RPGs. [[Players]] can form a party with multiple characters, manage leadership, and decide how they travel together. ==== Inviting ==== Characters can be added to your party in two ways: * **Direct Invitation** – Open a character’s information screen and press the **Invite** button at the bottom left of their avatar. * **Narrative Requests** – Some characters may request to join you during the story. A confirmation prompt will appear, allowing you to accept or decline. //The invite button:// {{::screenshot_2025-02-22_000752.png|}} ==== General ==== General party settings can be accessed by clicking **Party** in the sidebar. Here, you can: * Choose the **party leader**, which affects the narrative. The game master considers this when determining which characters take the lead in decision-making. * Set an optional **party name**, allowing you to customize how your group is referred to in menus and narrative elements. ==== Movement ==== The **Movement** settings, also found under the **Party** menu, allow you to define how party members and NPCs behave when traveling. You can set whether they: * Follow you automatically * Move independently * Stay in designated locations These settings are intuitive and flexible, ensuring smooth party management.