====== Fast Travel ====== Fast Travel in **Questies** is an optional feature that lets [[:Players]] move quickly across the [[create:start|World]] without narrating each step of the journey. World creators can set default rules for how fast travel works, and Players can adjust these settings as they play. [[time|Time]] still passes while fast traveling, keeping the game’s timeline consistent, and clear paths to the destination are required. For example, if a road is blocked by enemies or natural obstacles, fast travel won’t work until it’s resolved. Fast travel also skips multi-step AI responses, moving the Player directly to their destination in one interaction. ==== Fast Travel Settings ==== 1. **Require Prior Visit to Fast Travel**: Players can only fast travel to locations they’ve already visited. This setting encourages exploration and familiarity with the game World. 2. **Allow Fast Travel to NPCs**: Players can fast travel directly to NPCs, making it easier to interact with key characters or progress quests. 3. **Require Having Seen NPCs**: Players can only fast travel to NPCs they’ve physically met in the game. This ensures story consistency and keeps fast travel from bypassing meaningful encounters. Fast Travel strikes a balance between convenience and immersion, letting Players explore the World at their own pace while maintaining the integrity of the narrative. ==== Activation ==== To use Fast Travel in Questies, Players simply type the following command into chat: ''/travel DESTINATION or /travel NPC NAME'' **For example:** ''/travel Havenwood'' ''/travel Eldrin the Mage'' For convenience, Players can use @ for auto-complete suggestions. Typing /travel @ will bring up a list of available destinations or NPCs. As Players continue typing, the list narrows down to match their input. This makes selecting the correct location or NPC quick and intuitive. The system ensures smooth integration into gameplay, minimizing time spent navigating menus or typing commands, while keeping the focus on the story.