====== Zones ====== Zones are interactive areas in your [[create:start|World]] that help create dynamic experiences for [[:Players]]. They act as triggers that can activate events, spawn Mooks, and control [[:helpers|Helpers]] based on various conditions. ==== Creating Zones ==== * **Basic Setup**: - Define the zone's radius and coordinates. - Choose whether to lock the zone to specific [[create:areas|Areas]] or [[create:points|Points]]: - When a zone is locked, it will only activate when the Player is in the specified Area or Point. - Set movement control options (like halting Player movement on entry). ==== Zone Features ==== * **Events**: - Create scripted sequences that trigger when Players enter the zone. - Create multi-step event progressions. - Disable [[:helpers|Helpers]] from being active during the event steps. * **Mooks**: - Spawn groups of [[:mooks|Mooks]] within the zone. - Set the Mooks as Avoidable for the Player to get a chance to avoid them (e.g., [[:overcome|rolling for stealth]]). * **Activation Controls**: - Time-based windows (specific dates/times when zones are active). - Area-based restrictions (zones only active in specific locations). - Point-based positioning (zones tied to specific coordinates). - [[:npcs|NPC]] presence requirements: - Can choose to teleport the NPC to the zone or require them to be in the zone for the zone to activate. - Only activates if the NPCs are alive and available. - Allow Repeat After (Days): - Allows the zone to repeat after a certain number of days have passed. - Set to 0 to disable (one-time only). ==== Zone Events in Detail ==== Events are scripted sequences that can be triggered when [[:players|Players]] enter a zone. Each event can have multiple steps, with each step containing specific instructions, requirements, and actions. === Event Steps === Each event step consists of: * **Instructions**: - The main narrative content or description of what happens in this step. - Support for @tagging characters, locations ([[create:areas|areas]] and [[create:points|points]]) as well as $tagging [[create:items|items]] to provide context. - Tagged objects' information becomes available to the narrative AI during the event. - **Important**: Objects must be tagged to be referenced if not in the immediate vicinity. * **Requirements**: - Conditions that must be met before progressing to the next step. - Can include multiple requirements per step. - All requirements must be completed to advance. - Examples: - Player must talk to specific NPCs. - Items must be collected. * **Constraints**: - Special instructions for the AI about what to avoid. - Helps maintain story consistency. - Prevents spoiler reveals. - Controls information flow. - Example: "Don't reveal the character's true identity yet." * **Actions**: - Automated commands that execute when a step completes. - Character Status Management: - `Set @[Character] Status To [Active/Deceased/Unavailable]`. - Movement Control: - `Move @[Target] to @[Area/Point/Character/Coordinates]`. * **Helper Control**: - You can disable individual [[:helpers|Helpers]] from being active during the event steps. - This is useful for disabling movement or new character spawns during the event steps. === Event Configuration === * **Time Windows**: Set specific dates and times when the event can occur. * **Required NPCs**: Specify characters that must be present for the event to trigger. * **Teleport Options**: Automatically move required NPCs to the event location. * **Repeat Settings**: Configure how often the event can recur.