====== Points ====== In Questies, a **Point** is a specific, individual location within the [[create:start|World]]. Points represent defined spaces, such as buildings, landmarks, or other notable locations, rather than individual [[:items|items]] or objects. Unlike larger [[create:areas|Areas]], Points have clear boundaries and do not contain subdivisions. ==== Key Features of Points ==== * **Specific Locations**: Points are unique, self-contained places, like a tavern, a house, or a statue. * **Coordinates**: Points are tied to exact **(x, y, z)** coordinates. To be considered at a Point, a character’s coordinates must match the Point’s exactly. * **Contained in Areas**: Points typically exist within larger [[create:areas|Areas]], such as a city or forest. * **Unique Names**: Every Point must have a **unique name** that cannot be shared by Characters or Areas. This ensures clarity and prevents conflicts during gameplay. * **Examples**: A blacksmith’s shop, a town square monument, a cave entrance, or a shrine. ==== Configuration of Points ==== When creating a Point, you configure its coordinates: * **X and Y**: The horizontal coordinates within the [[create:start|World]]. * **[[create:z levels|Z-Level]]**: The vertical level, which can represent height or depth. ==== Special Configuration: Transition Points ==== Points can also serve as transitions between different **[[create:z levels|Z-Levels]]**, such as a stairwell, cave entrance, or ladder. This allows movement between layers of the World. * **Pathfinding Integration**: When a Point is marked as a Z-Transition, pathfinding will automatically use it to navigate between Z-Levels. To configure a transition Point: - Set the **Connects To** field to the Z-Level the transition leads to. For example: * A cave entrance Point at **Z-Level 0** might have **Connects To: -1**, leading deeper underground. * A stairwell Point at **Z-Level 1** might have **Connects To: 2**, allowing traversal upward. Once configured, these Points allow movement between Z-Levels bi-directionally, either up or down. ==== Special Configuration: Gateway Points ==== Points can also serve as **[[create:gateways|Gateways]]** between [[create:areas|Areas]]. When **Gateway** is toggled on, the Point automatically detects the Areas it connects to, provided it is placed exactly on the boundary between one or two Areas. * **Pathfinding Integration**: When a Point is marked as a Gateway, pathfinding will automatically use it to navigate between walled Areas. * **Area Detection**: Gateways require precise placement on the border of Areas to function correctly. This makes them essential for controlled access to walled Areas or enclosed spaces like cities or fortresses.