====== Coordinates ====== In Questies, **Coordinates** define the location of characters, [[create:points|Points]], and [[create:areas|Areas]] in the [[create:start|World]]. Coordinates use a three-axis system: **X**, **Y**, and **Z**, allowing for precise placement in a three-dimensional space. ==== How Coordinates Work ==== * **X-Axis**: Represents east-west movement. * Positive X (**+X**): Moves east. * Negative X (**-X**): Moves west. * **Y-Axis**: Represents north-south movement. * Positive Y (**+Y**): Moves north. * Negative Y (**-Y**): Moves south. * **Z-Axis**: Represents vertical movement. * Positive Z (**+Z**): Moves upward. * Negative Z (**-Z**): Moves downward. {{:create:xyz.png?nolink|}} Each unit on the coordinate grid corresponds to **1 decameter (10 meters, 11 yards or 33 feet)** in the World. This allows for precise scaling and makes distances intuitive to calculate. ==== World Boundaries ==== A World spans a massive coordinate grid with the following limits: * **X**: From -100,000 to +100,000. * **Y**: From -100,000 to +100,000. This means the World is **200,000 units across**, which translates to **2,000,000 meters (2,000 kilometers)** or approximately **1,240 miles** from one edge to the other. ==== Gameplay Implications ==== * **Exact Placement**: All Points, Areas, and characters are tied to specific **(X, Y, Z)** coordinates. This precision ensures clear navigation and interaction with the World. * **World Design**: The large boundaries provide space for diverse environments, from sprawling kingdoms to dense forests or towering mountains. * **Scale Awareness**: Knowing that each unit equals 10 meters helps Players and World creators visualize distances and sizes accurately. ==== Vertical Integration with Z-Levels ==== Coordinates integrate seamlessly with **[[create:z_levels|Z-Levels]]**, which represent vertical layers of the World. While X and Y define horizontal placement, Z defines height or depth. Movement between Z-Levels requires a **[[create:points#special_configurationtransition_points|Point transition]]**, such as stairs, ladders, or cave entrances, ensuring logical traversal across layers.